Dr. Karthik Rajaram

Dr. Karthik Rajaram
OCCUPATIONAL THERAPISTKarthik Rajaram occupational therapist Personal Biography:
Karthik Rajaram – Founder & Occupational Therapist
Language Proficiency:
English, Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu, Hindi, Sinhala, French, and Arabic.
- Ph.D., Neuro-Psychology Rehabilitation- USC-USA
- M.Sc., Geriatric care- CMJ- Sikkim
- MS, Neuro-Psychology- USC-USA
- PG Dip. in Guidance and Counseling- Madurai Kamaraj University
- Bachelors in Occupational Therapy- Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University
Professional Experience:
- Founder and Chairman- Steps Groups Rehabilitation Centre, April 2010 to date.
- World Health Organization.
- Practice license/ registrations in Five Countries.
- Resource person in the field of rehabilitation for few countries.
- Occupational Therapy
- Geriatric Medicine
- Neuropsychology
- Neuro- Rehabilitation Therapy
- Guidance and Counseling
- Family Therapy
Additional Qualifications:
- Certificate course in Trans Actional Analysis (TAA).
- Certificate course in Sensory Integration (SI).
- Certificate course in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).
- Physical agent and modalities, special course for Occupational Therapist to use physical modalities to treat pain, and other problems
- Aqua Therapy for Muscular Disorders.
- JP DAS Prep and Cogent method orientation program.
- Gardner’s multiple intelligence trainer programs.
- Master Trainer at Neuro-Linguistic Programming -NFNLP (USA)
- K-Taping.
- Drama for Autism.
- ABA foundation program (USA).
- Yoga for PwD
- Expert in treating Autism, Developmental Delays, Sensory Processing Disorder, Developmental Coordination Disorder, Head Injury, Learning Disability, Spinal Cord Injury, Cerebral Palsy, Metabolic and Genetic Disorders.
- Specialist in identifying innate intelligence of a person and using those as a treatment modality.
- Expert in Marital Problems, Family Therapy.
- Treating Gaming and Gadgets de-addiction.
- Multicultural, multidisciplinary exposure in many countries in the field of rehabilitation and Child Psychiatry.
- Hands-on experience in early intervention, starting from prenatal screening to habilitation of children.
- Unique consultant Occupational Therapist for adolescents and adults with special needs.
- Started the concept of assisted living for special needs and old age groups at Coimbatore where the neglected retired person’s community takes care of the abducted special needs children.
- Initiated to utilise commerce by the special needs community as part of his vocational training and income generation (unique program) for the special needs community.
- Functions residential therapy centre for Autism.
- Runs residential therapy centre for Head Injury, Stroke (CVA) and Spinal Cord Injury.
- Treated Many Dissociate Disorder patients.
- Good experience in treating, Phobia, Anxiety and OCD clients.
- Social activist and dedicated social worker.
- His research works have increased life expectancy of many cerebral Palsy affected adults and adolescents.
He has done various researches in the following Domains
- Art therapy to improve expression.
- Aqua Therapy for Autism and Developmental Disorders.
- Aqua Therapy to improve muscle function in Cerebral Palsy, Head Injury and Spinal Cord patients.
- Drama therapy to improve Eye Contact.
- Drama therapy to improve Social Skills.
- Drama therapy to improve Intrapersonal Skills.
- Hippo therapy for Autism, and ADHD children.
- Hippo therapy to develop Balance and Coordination.
- Music therapy to overcome Depression.
- Music Therapy to improve speech among Autistic Children.